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3. Recommended Reading
This is the #1 most recommended book by entrepreneurs.
It’s a little hard to read for some and it often takes a little time to finally start to get it. It's a classic that should be reread from time to time.
This is one of the most influential books of our lifetime and teaches you to work smart instead of working hard. It’s a must read.
One of the most recommended books by guests featured on MLM Nation Podcast.
Everything counts! We may not see our results immediately but over time every activity we do grows exponentially. (Applies to both good and bad)
The classic book on Leadership. For many successful networkers it becomes a book you review once a year to make sure you stay on top of your game.
This book can save you when you first start your journey. It’s a little dated but many of the timeless principles still apply especially the “Rejection Torpedo”
Inspiring story and goes in depth of what most distributors fail to do; they don’t have a mental movie of their life. A game changing book if you apply it
A complete A to Z list of how to recruit and train your team. A timeless classic
Awesome title for an amazing book. Inspiring and educational.
Towards the end of the book, the author, Jordan Adler gives the best explanation of MLM ever heard of by using an analogy with vending machines and distribution centers
A relatively new book but a classic already.
It’s basically “How to Win Friends and Influence People” but customized for direct selling professionals.
The #1 most recommended book by guests on MLM Nation Podcast.
Worre’s 7 steps make it simple to read and follow.
Oh and just one more....
For beginners in Social Media
Ray Higdon’s Freakishly Effective Social Media for Network Marketing and others.
In this short and powerful book, network marketing experts Ray and Jessica Higdon teach you some basic strategies for marketing and prospecting that allow you to navigate your way through the social media maze.
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