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Shaklee Effect....
we are so glad you are here!
We want to make your journey as seamless as possible. Here are just a few tips on making the most of the perks of your Shaklee Lifetime Membership.
Your private member portal:
log in with email and password
Order what you want when you want
Or contact the person who introduced you to Shaklee for additional help

The Shaklee Difference in 1 minute

Can supplementation really help prevent disease? YES and here is the proof in 3.27 minutes

The Shaklee Difference
loyalty points program the more products you switch to shaklee the healthier you, your family and pets are and and the more points you rake up each order for FREE PRODUCTS
If this idea intrigues you take a look at this… Shaklee has over 300 products you can TRUST to be safe and effective you might be surprised, You can download this and if you see ANYTHING here that you are currently using that you would like to try we can show you ways to get it free with Points of even get one as a gift for watching a video on that product or product line. Talk to the person that sent you here.
We invite you to join us any Thursday or Saturday to meet the community you have joined and learn a little more about the products and the perks of buying from yourself. www.JustTakeALook.Today

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